Amavasya (New Moon) Dates and Significance in 2024

Amavasya, the new moon day in the Hindu calendar, is a time for spiritual introspection and letting go of attachments. This page offers a complete list of Amavasya dates for 2024.

Key Points about Amavasya:

  • Significance: Devotees use Amavasya to express gratitude and make offerings to their ancestors. Some Amavasyas, like Mahalaya Amavasya (Ashwin month) and Mauni Amavasya (Magha month), hold special importance.
  • Lunar Phases:
    • Shukla Paksha (bright fortnight) begins on Amavasya and lasts until Purnima (full moon).
    • Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight) begins on Purnima and lasts until Amavasya.
  • Calendar Systems:
    • Amanta Calendar: Followed in South India (states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala), the lunar month ends on Amavasya.
    • Purnimanta Calendar: Followed in North India (states like Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan), the lunar month ends on Purnima.

Amavasya 2024 Dates

Thursday, 11 January Paush Amavasya
Friday, 09 February Magha Amavasya
Sunday, 10 March Phalguna Amavasya
Monday, 08 April Chaitra Amavasya
Wednesday, 08 May Vaishakha Amavasya
Thursday, 06 June Jyeshtha Amavasya
Friday, 05 July Ashadha Amavasya
Sunday, 04 August Shravana Amavasya
Monday, 02 September Bhadrapada Amavasya
Wednesday, 02 October Ashwin Amavasya
Friday, 01 November Kartik Amavasya
Sunday, 01 December Margashirsha Amavasya
Monday, 30 December Paush Amavasya

Difference between Amavasya Date & Purnima Date

  • According to the Hindu Calendar, Amavasya signifies the no moon day, while Purnima represents the full moon day
  • Amavasya holds significance for those who are tough and hardworking, while Purnima plays an integral role for individuals who are subtle and sensitive. Each has its unique powers and energies, catering to different aspects of spiritual practice and personal disposition.
  • When we talk about qualities, Amavasya is action and Purnima is love.
  • Typically, no auspicious work is undertaken on the day of Amavasya. Conversely, Purnima is linked with divinity and prosperity.


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